23 de marzo de 2020

From a blind sailor

I try not to silence your echoes
Within shouts and sorrow 
It would be so easy, so easy

I hold up to your shatters 
That made me once complete
As they become cold wind

How dull was this time history, 
Pretending to be half mythology 
As you were my dear Daedalus 
Turning back just when I fall

I dared to navigate you
Inside your soul I got sight
Now the Lady claims my being 
Will I hold without your warmth?

I try not to silence your echoes 
though if I navigate right to them 
Is it the way right back?

And in lack of wings, I take 
The coat you made for me instead 
So, in tempest, it leads the way

I dared to navigate you
Inside your soul I got sight 
Now the Lady claims my being 
Will I hold without your warmth?

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